Old Testament Series Jonah

  • The Jonah Files

    The Jonah Files

    Text: Jonah 1

    Proposition:In every chapter of Jonah is a redemption theme that not only chronicles history but stands relevant for today.

  • The Jonah Files, Divined

    The Jonah Files, Divined

    Text: Jonah 3

    Proposition:AsGod moves in people to bring about life and revival, He does so in a divine plan that is greater than it appears to be.

  • The Jonah Files, Transformed!

    The Jonah Files, Transformed!

    Text:Jonah 2

    Proposition:The process of transformation requires the end of what is before the new can begin. The end for Jonah is a death to self, first repentance, then revival.

  • The Jonah Files: Uncovered!

    The Jonah Files, Uncovered!

    Text: Jonah 4

    Proposition:The process of uncovering sin exposes the foolishness of the sinner by contrasting it to the grace of God.

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