Please join us 10:30 a.m. for Sunday Morning Worship Services.
Thankful Appreciation to our Senior Pastor, Rev Andrew Chambers & family.
Preaching from selections in Genesis, on Sunday mornings.
Salad Supper & Concert
Wednesday Evening Prayer & Bible Study on hold from the summer, watch for an update.
Saturday Sewing On the 2nd Saturday of the month. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Contact Mary Alguire for more information.
Bring your machine and your own lunch.
Ladies Prayer Meeting - First Monday of each month on Zoom
7 p.m. Contact Laura Svab for the invitation link.
Men's Fellowship - 3rd Saturday of the month
9 a.m. at the church - coffee/muffins/donuts
Join us on Facebook 10:30 AM Sunday mornings for our livestream services.
"Faith Community Church Blackfalds, Alberta" on facebook.